Tuesday 16 July 2013


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I believe that enthusiasm is such a vital ingredient to success that there is no better time than the present to concentrate on the magic of enthusiasm.

ENTHUSIASM is helpful in any line of work. But in selling it is essential. Nobody ever piled up an outstanding sales record without being enthusiastic about the job.

With whom would you rather do business - an enthusiastic person or one who was merely going through the motions? The answer to that question is obvious. The important thing is to realise that people feel the same way about you.

If enthusiasm pays, why are there so many apathetic and indifferent people out selling? Why are some men and women content to plod through a day’s calls when the same schedule, faced eagerly and enthusiastically, would produce more enjoyment, excitement, satisfaction and a great deal more income?

Perhaps it’s because they don’t realise what they are doing. They don’t see the harm they are doing themselves.

Why should you – as a salesperson – be enthusiastic about your work?

Because you take pride in the service or product you sell ... and the company that makes it. And you know them both from A-to-Z because you’re proud of your knowledge of your customers’ needs. And it makes you feel good that you can offer real service because you’re proud of results.

Every time you make a sale or solve a problem, you feel good. You know you are the key to the jobs of those people who make the products you sell because you love the challenge and know how important rising to the challenge is to your job ... and your company.

Because you thrive on the excitement of competition. Because you enjoy meeting new people ... and facing new problems.

Because, above all, you’re smart enough to know that enthusiasm pays. People like to deal with you because you believe in yourself and what you are doing.

Let me repeat those last two lines: Because, above all, you’re smart enough to know that enthusiasm pays. People like to deal with you because you believe in yourself ... and what you are doing.

Seek excellence in all that you do!

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